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Examining Implicit (Age) Bias ?

Examining Implicit (Age) Bias ?

Take the Test - you can do this easily without registering or signing up; just see for yourself where you land. This might open you up to a new way of thinking or seeing your immediate responses to people who are in some way different from you. 

Here is the breakdown of the Age Bias Results:

It can be argued about all the tests on this fascinating site, that those people who are  willing to take the test are a self selected group and therefore it is not a fair sample. And that may be statistically correct. The more interesting thing to me is how this information pertains to our own thinking. To each of us as individuals and members of our communities. 

Ageism, as with all the "isms" is so often ingrained in some deep underground part of our psyches. We don't even know bias is what we are feeling, thinking or expressing. Take a moment to discover where your biases may lie when it comes to older OR younger people. See if by knowing that the bias is there, you can pre-empt the need to act on it. 

In his article, Why Great Leaders Must Acknowledge Implicit Bias , Bentley University Associate Professor Wiley Davi writes:

"Pause...leading to more thoughtful decisions. I teach my students that taking a breath or a pause in the height of the decision making process can be the most meaningful action they can take. Often, that mental and/or physical space is needed to fully understand a situation and keep a clear head."

Understanding and Clarity good goals for all of us, whether we strive to be great leaders or just good humans.

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